Thursday, July 5, 2007


i made my provencal pasta sauce do double duty last night as a topping for my pizza with the works. how can i have pizza with all of my dietary issues? easy - watch:
i started with a whole grain pizza crust made by the rustic company
sprayed on some olive oil
added some fire roasted crushed tomatoes - about 1/2 cup
layered on around 1/2 cup of the provencal sauce
spread on just a little less than the 1/2 cup of shredded rice cheese that i had left
added sliced mushrooms - lots!
some smart life (faux) pepperoni slices
the rest of the rice cheese
baked at 450, as crust package says, for a little longer than recommended, b/c the extra crispiness of the crust soaks up the yummy sauce flavors nicely

very yum with a simple salad of romaine lettuce and some cut up tofu slices, and a splash of my favorite ken's vinaigrette.

mmmm, pizza! later, i'll post my recipe for pizza that uses a crust made of no flour or wheat of any kind.

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